Occasionally I find really impressive articles worth sharing as they were written. Articles on how to write a book, novel-writing, book marketing and promotion, science fiction, self-publishing, etc. Rather than trying to cleverly rewrite them, or spin them in some dodgy way, I think it better to present them here as they were written with a bit of my own commentary. Take a look, and if you enjoyed them as much as I have, please follow the links back and let the author know. Give them credit for the thoughtful work they have shared.
The first is one of my all time favorite articles. It is by the always engaging Check Wendig, and though he is crude in his language, he rightly calls out many (but not all) self-publishers for bring to market poorly prepared books. It is something we all should take to heart and think hard about before we push the “publish” button on Amazon. See the article here.