How to Successfully Launch your Book

Princess Writing, Writer, Survey

Think the success of the great novel you are working on is all about the writing? Think again if you want to have a successful book launch.

BookBaby has published the results of a survey which they describe as such: “The 2017 Self-Publishing Survey conducted by BookBaby was focused specifically on revealing the most successful book marketing and promotional strategies for self-publishers. The 56-questions survey targeted two subgroups: authors who have published at least one book (either self-published, traditionally published, or both), and aspiring authors who have not yet published a book. The online survey was conducted between October 24, 2016 – November 28, 2016, and was completed by 7,677 aspiring and published authors.

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Understanding Penetration Pricing and Premium Pricing of your ebook on Amazon

Book pricing on Amazon, novel pricing, competetive pricing, premium pricing

One of my daughters is a capable artist and headed to an undergraduate program in Medical Illustration soon. As an aside, she is getting smarter about posting her art to websites and beginning to think about how to charge for her work. I’ve recently had similar discussion with some other writers about how they price their novels. What is really being discussed here is “Penetration Pricing” vs. “Premium Pricing”. Based on my own experience, it sounds more complicated than you might first think, but it is really not that complex.

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How to Successfully promote your new book (what has and has not worked)

Woman, Thumbs Up, How to sell more books

The topic of “how to be successful” publishing a book came up in a recent discussion. You are probably here because you have either published a book or are are about to, and you want to learn as much as you can about how to increase your book sales. Having published my first novel to a 4.6 “star” rating and flirting with the top 1% of sales and now having made it to the top-10 of five bestseller lists, I thought I’d share what I have learned.

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Clothing Optional: How to protect your identity on Social Media


Social Media Security: Staying secure and promoting yourself is a balance
Social Media security settings. As aspiring writers we may learn how to write a novel, but we must also promote our work, so we need Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. It is dangerous out there, though, so we also need to be careful.

The good folks over at SocialMediaExamier put together a helpful, concise summary of how to configure the security settings at a number of the most popular social media sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest). Before you go there, though, let’s think about what your security settings should be as a writer seeking publicity. Just as there are steps to writing a book, there are steps to staying safe. Obviously you do want to increase your exposure and how often search engines find you (or SEO — Search Engine Optimization — as it is known). You don’t want your bank account emptied, though, so let’s talk about some social media security tips.

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