How to Successfully promote your new book (what has and has not worked)

Woman, Thumbs Up, How to sell more books

The topic of “how to be successful” publishing a book came up in a recent discussion. You are probably here because you have either published a book or are are about to, and you want to learn as much as you can about how to increase your book sales. Having published my first novel to a 4.6 “star” rating and flirting with the top 1% of sales and now having made it to the top-10 of five bestseller lists, I thought I’d share what I have learned.

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How You Can Optimize your Social Media and Blogging Images with these free tools


Images, Social Media, Blogging, How to sell a book, book marketing, book promotion
Optimize your images for Social Media and Blogging with these free tools


Confused by all the different image sizes you need for your social media presence? Wish there was a simple tool to create the images you want?

Problem solved! I’m going to keep this simple by highlighting the best sources for both.

Continue reading “How You Can Optimize your Social Media and Blogging Images with these free tools”