Kindlepreneur’s write-up of a boatload of Writing and Publishing courses that are on Sale

Kindleprenueur, Udemy, writing courses, courses on writing, courses on selfpublishing

Ever think you need help with the entire writing and publishing process? Have you ever thought about taking an online course, but you don’t know where to start and they look too expensive? Here is some great news…

Dave Chesson — the owner-operator of Kindlepreneur — has put together a very nice summary (including the review ratings) of about 50 of the courses most relevant to writers, and better yet, they are all on sale for $9.99 until 28 August.

Even if you don’t get the news on the sale until after the 28th of August, Dave’s write-ups are still a fantastic resource to help you make sense of a lot of great Udemy content.

As always, I have no affiliate relationships. So there are no kickbacks for me on this. Rather, it looks like a good deal and Dave’s summaries are super helpful so thought I’d share to help you on your writing and self-publishing journey.

Head over to Kindlepreneur for all the details. Good luck!






Kindlepreneur's write-up of a boatload of Writing and Publishing courses that are on Sale
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Kindlepreneur's write-up of a boatload of Writing and Publishing courses that are on Sale
Ever think you need help with the entire writing and publishing process? Have you ever thought about taking an online course, but you don't know where to start and they look too expensive? Here is some great news...
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Tiffany Writing
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