Reblogging: The Lost World of Socotra: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth

I thought this article by Ancient Origins — and especially the photos — is very cool.  In my own sci-fi, I strive for unique but believable new flora and fauna. Sometimes good examples are right here on Earth…
Dragon's Blood Trees, Socotra Island, Yemen

The Lost World of Socotra: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth

The landscape of the remote island of Socotra looks so foreign that it could almost pass as an alien planet. Its native flora is so rare and unique that the island looks like something out of a science-fiction movie. But Socotra is very real, and is home to over 1,000 unique species of fauna and 825  rare species of flora , including varieties of plants that have been on earth for over 20 million years.

See the entire article and their amazing photos at the Ancient Origins site…

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Reblogging: The Lost World of Socotra: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth
In my own sci-fi, I strive for unique but believable new flora and fauna. Sometimes good examples are right here on Earth... 
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